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A 4-wheel platform equips abilities to complete multiple tasks


Task Terminator is a robot made for fulfilling all the challenges in the Taiwan TDK Robocon. The competition includes three main challenges: grab a marker and write alphabets, another one is to imitate human arms'  actions like pull a door ring and reach in a curve tunnel, and the other is to catch a volleyball shoot into a basket.

My role |   Team Leader and Arm Design

I led a team with classmates participating in the 19th TDK Robocon. Prior to finalizing the design, I conducted a brainstorming meeting and listed out our ideas, then illustrated the first CAD. Prepared for ten months, our team constructed a solid 4-wheel drive base within one week. I composed and examined two different mechanical designs of robotic arms, one for gripping a marker writing words on a vertical whiteboard and the other one for tabbing a volleyball through a curve tunnel imitating a human's gesture of arms. Besides, I also layouted a PCB board using H-bridge circuits with eight relays controlling the mobile base.

Development Process


Phase 0 - Brainstorm

In the brainstorming meeting, we listed out our ideas and narrowed them down to a few options we wanted to exam.


Phase 1 - CAD 

3D CAD design for examining any potential collision from different parts of mechanisms.


Phase 2 - Prototype

Construct prototype used for testing functions, easily being implemented different mechanism and changing design.


Phase 3 - Finalize

The final version of the robot after finalizing the design.

Robot Task

Task Terminator is the product made for TDK Robocon where robots compete to complete a series of tasks within a set period of time.


Task 7

Task 6

Task 4

Task 5

Starting Point

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Starting Point

Double-check all items, such as air pressure in the tank and better voltage, on the SOP check-list before starting.


Task 1

Grab a marker using two DC motors to roll in and hold it.


Task 2

Write worlds on a vertical whiteboard.


Task 3

Put the marker right into the specific bin.


Task 4

Tab a volleyball through a curve tunnel to imitate human arms' gesture.


Task 5

Catch the volleyball rolling from the curve tunnel and carry the ball.


Task 6

Hold the ball safely while passing several obstacles.


Task 7

Aim to the basket and shoot the ball. Take the other 3 balls put beside and shoot again.

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